There are a few ways you can use liquid syntax in your emails. It's always recommended to preview the email to ensure the liquid syntax is functioning as expected.
Greetings based on the local time
“Good morning {{firstName}}” if it’s before 12 PM
“Good afternoon {{firstName}}” if it’s between 12 PM - 3 PM
“Good evening {{firstName}}” if it’s after 3 PM
Good {% assign time_h = 'now' | date: '%H%M' %} {% if time_h < 1200 %}morning {% elsif time_h < 1500 %}afternoon {% else %}evening {% endif %} {{firstName}}
Greetings based on the day of the week
“Hope you are having a good start to the week” if it’s between Monday and Wednesday.
“Hope you are having a good week” if it’s between Wednesday and Sunday.
{% assign today = 'now' | date: '%s' %}{% assign single_day = 86400 %}{% assign today_number = 'now' | date: '%u' | plus: 0 %}{% if today_number < 4%}Hope you're having a good start to the week.{% else %}Hope you're having a good week.{% endif %}
Greetings based on the day of the week
"Hello Tuesday" if the day is Tuesday.
"Happy Friday" if the day is Friday.
{% assign handle = 'now' | date: '%A' %}{% case handle %}{% when 'Monday' %}It's Monday!{% when 'Tuesday' %}Hello Tuesday{% when 'Wednesday' %}Hi Wednesday{% when 'Thursday' %}It's Thursday!{% when 'Friday' %}Happy Friday!{% endcase %}
Meetings based on the day of the week
“Are you available anytime this week?” if it’s between Monday and Wednesday.
“Are you available anytime next week?” if it’s between Wednesday and Sunday.
{% assign today = 'now' | date: '%s' %}{% assign single_day = 86400 %}{% assign today_number = 'now' | date: '%u' | plus: 0 %}{% if today_number < 4%}Are you available anytime this week?{% else %}Are you available anytime next week?{% endif %}
Inserting the day of the week
“Monday” if it’s Monday
“Tuesday” if it’s Tuesday
{# "now" | date: "%A" #}
Inserting yesterday's date
"March, 21 2023" if today is March 22 2023
Hey, yesterday date is: {# 'now' | date: '%s' | minus: 86400 | date: '%B %d, %Y' #}
Current month
{# "now" | date: "%B" #}
Use conditionals with variables
You can use lead variables and logic definitions in syntax. The system variables available are:
- boolean
Assuming the lead has a variable called position
that is set to "founder":
{% if position == "founder" %} As founder, you have to learn to delegate. {% endif %}
You can watch the instructional video about liquid syntax by clicking the link here.