Sequence Templates

Use sequence templates in your campaign sequence editor to easily craft your email message

Marija Zivanovic avatar
Written by Marija Zivanovic
Updated over a week ago

You can use sequence templates in Campaign Sequence editor to easily craft your email message.πŸ–ŒοΈ

There are:

  • Instantly templates

  • Your templates

Instantly templates

You can import any template, edit it to your liking, and use it in any of the steps. There are templates for a few niches already, such as Marketing agencies, TikTok agencies, SEO agencies, etc, and Custom templates as well.

We are constantly working on creating more templates for our users.

Here are the steps on how to use Instantly templates:

  • In your sequence editor, click on the Templates button


  • Select the category that fits your profile

Note that each template comes with a subject line too. Feel free to change it and edit it to fit your needs.

User's (Your😊) templates

Besides the ones offered by default, you can create your own templates:

  • Type the email, the subject line and click on the Save button.

  • Type the template name and click Add template

  • You will find it in your Templates view. Copy it, use or delete it from there


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