You can confirm if the plan has been canceled by navigating to Billing and Usage > Payment and Invoices > Manage.
This section will display all your subscriptions, along with their expiration and renewal dates.
The cancel button will be located at the bottom of the billing page, you will be taken to the cancellation form when you click on 'Cancel plan'.
If you have multiple plans (Lead Finder, Email Outreach, CRM, Inbox Placement), please ensure that you follow the cancellation process for each one.
Note: To cancel add-ons, verification, and website visitors, please contact our chat support before the renewal date.
Please note that simply canceling your email outreach plan or deleting your Instantly account will not automatically cancel the Done-For-You or Pre-warmed domains/email accounts, as they are separate subscriptions.
You can cancel the domains/email accounts manually on the billing page --> Email accounts & Domains section.