To upload leads via CSV file, follow these steps:
From Campaign, go to the Leads section.
Click the Add Leads button.
Select upload CSV.
Instantly will automatically detect the columns of your file and attribute a variable for each.
Double-check everything and you can use the drop-down menu to attribute the right variable for each one of your values.
π‘Pro Tips
Be sure that the "Email" field in CSV has data as it is mandatory information for the smooth import. Please put this field as the first column on your file.
Check if all the columns have names and names start with capital letters as they are important for the system to pick up the mapping properly.
Values in the same field shouldn't contain any decimal separation like a comma "," for example. If you would like to unite two values in the same field - please use the underscore "_" between words for this matter.
It's better if the file will not have any extra empty columns.
Make sure you have no more than 20 custom variables selected
The email column must not be empty.
If there are column names that are longer than 20 characters, try to shorten them. e.g. a column heading name is: Instagram_Average_Comments which is 26 characters - You can change it to Instagram_Comments which is 18 characters etc.
There must be no grouped rows as they can cause an issue (see below for better understanding):
Instead, split them:
If one of the values is Boolean, it throws an error since Google is returning it as Boolean (true/false) instead of a text. See the example below. If so, please remove it and try to import again.