How to upload leads with a CSV file πŸ“
Ollie avatar
Written by Ollie
Updated over a week ago

If you want to upload leads via CSV file, please go in Campaign - Leads and click on ADD LEADS button:

Instantly will automatically detect the columns of your file and attribute a variable for each.

Double-check everything and you can use the drop-down menu to attribute the right variable for each one of your values.


  • Be sure that "Email" field in CSV has data as it is mandatory information for the smooth import. Please put this field as first column on your file.

  • Check if all the columns have names and names start with capital letter as it is important for system to pick up the mapping properly.

  • Values in the same field shouldn't contain any decimal separation like comma "," for example. If you would like to unite two values in the same field - please use underscore "_" between words for this matter.

  • It's better if the file won't have any extra empty columns.

  • Make sure you have no more than 20 custom variables selected

  • The email column must not be empty

  • If there are some column names that are longer than 20 characters, try to shorten them. E.g. a column heading name is:- Instagram_Average_Comments which is 26 characters - You can change it to Instagram_Comments which is 18 characters etc.

  • There must be no grouped rows as they can cause an issue (see below for better understanding):

    User-uploaded Image

    Instead split them:

    User-uploaded Image

  • If one of the values is Boolean it throws an error since Google is returning it as boolean (true/false) instead of a text. For example:

    User-uploaded Image

  • Please remove it and try to import again.


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