Personalized videos🎥

Send a different loom video to every lead

Marija Zivanovic avatar
Written by Marija Zivanovic
Updated over a week ago

If you want to add personalized/different video to each lead, you should follow these steps:

  • Create a new column and name it "video"

  • In your Loom video link, go to "Share", and then click on "Embed" tab, and grab the Thumbnail code:

  • Use the thumbnail code from your Loom video and paste it in the column for each lead (if you want a different video for each lead, paste the different code every time, just make sure you paste the whole code)

  • Paste it in the sheet

  • Download the CSV and upload it to Instantly

  • When mapping the columns, use "Custom variable" for the Video column

  • In your Instantly sequence, add the video variable

  • Send a test email to double-check that the video works

  • When the thumbnail is clicked, it takes you to the Loom video link where you can play the video and it should looks like this:

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